Encounter with Evil

You have encountered pure evil Everything you once understood about people did not apply to this person. During the relationship, you tried to be compassionate, easygoing, and forgiving. You never could have known that the person you loved was actively using these things against you. It just doesn’t make any sense. And so you spentContinue reading “Encounter with Evil”

Distorted stories!

How do you respond to the distorted stories told to you by your child? Most parents immediately defend themselves and try to set the record straight…but this is exactly the wrong thing to do! When a child is being alienated from you, they are being fed a false narrative FOR YEARS. They start believing theseContinue reading “Distorted stories!”

Healthy Boundaries!

Boundaries show people who love you how to love you. Sadly, we don’t have these conscious and honest conversations with our spouse. “I need us to spend quality time together every week. Would you be willing to do that?” “Let’s go over the details of our expenses. It will be helpful to get clear onContinue reading “Healthy Boundaries!”

Walking on Eggshells

In love relationships, hurt has a way of lingering in the times between resentful, angry, or emotionally abusive flare-ups. The empty, dull ache of unhappiness is the accumulative effect of these small moments of disconnection, isolation, and dread. If you live with a resentful, angry, or emotionally abusive partner, you probably have a vague feeling, atContinue reading “Walking on Eggshells”